Japan, Today..Tomorrow the US. (You Didn’t Really Believe That BS About Our Nuclear Plants Being Safe?)

Japan, Today….Tomorrow the US. (You Didn’t Really Believe That Crap About Our Nuclear Plants Being Safe, Did You?)

So, You Think Our US Nuclear Plants Are Safe?

Dream on.

In addition to the post below pointing out how workers fear for their job if they expose safety issues at San Onofre (CA), we have the fact that radiation nuclear releases, which have happened and currently are going on at Fukishima, stay in our ecosystem for many thousands of years. So our only hope on that last one is to change the laws of physics; but in actuality, apocalypse know! (Thanks a lot corporations, “filthy rich,” and your Tea Party lackeys)

I’d also like to share these facts relayed by @YankeeOtaku today:

from YankeeOtaku at http://yankeeotaku.com/2011/03/16/experts-get-it-very-wrong-when-it-comes-to-japans-crisis/

‘Experts’ get it very wrong when it comes to Japan’s crisis
Posted on March 16, 2011 by yankeeotaku

“As the four Fukushima reactors take turns blowing up, catching on fire and generally irradiating everything around them, the “experts” share with us the following myths:

*** The Japanese nuclear incident is “nothing like Chernobyl” and not nearly as serious. Wrong. The Japanese incident is more serious because it involves four reactors, not one, and the radiation is not going to go away any time soon.

*** The reactor casings are invulnerable. Wrong. No matter how strong they are built, they can be breached. The Fukushima reactors are blowing up, plain and simple.

*** Dumping sea water on the open reactor shells will cool the fuel rods. Wrong. It could take years for those fuel roads to cool.

*** The reactors “shut down” immediately after the earthquake, stopping the fission reaction Wrong. Why, then, is coolant still paramount? Obviously, the fuel rods did not stop their fission process. Oops.

It’s time for the “experts” to get real and level with all of us.

(from YankeeOtaku at http://yankeeotaku.com/2011/03/16/experts-get-it-very-wrong-when-it-comes-to-japans-crisis/ )

Amplify’d from sillymickel.amplify.com

Republicans “claim” to be worried about burdening our “grandchildren” with debt (“claim” because they are liars who in fact have been responsible for the run up in the National Debt), as they pursue policies pushing things that will ensure that there will be no humans, let alone grandchildren, alive. Thanks a lot, mofos!

Amplify’d from www.mercurynews.com

Staff at California nuclear plant fear retaliation

The Associated Press
Posted: 02/19/2010 07:02:50 AM PST

Staff at California nuclear plant fear retaliation

The Associated Press
Posted: 02/19/2010 07:02:50 AM PST
Updated: 02/19/2010 10:07:17 AM PST

SAN ONOFRE, Calif.—Workers at the San Onofre nuclear power plant fear retaliation if they report a safety concern, according to a leaked internal company memo.

Still, a survey of workers conducted by a commission inspector shows workers fear for their jobs if they report safety issues. The findings were included in a Feb. 3 company memo leaked this week to the environmental group San Clemente Green

According to the memo, the commission received 63 allegations of safety concerns at the plant between 2008 and 2009, and 25 of the people making the allegations feared retaliation.

Read more at sillymickel.amplify.com

About sillymickel

Activist, psychotherapist, pre- and perinatal psychologist, author, and environmentalist. I seek to inspire others to our deeper, more natural consciousness, to a primal, more delightful spirituality, and to taking up the cause of saving life on this planet, as motivated by love.
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